Asked by: Avelia Dañobeitia
Asked in category: technology and computing, programming languages
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What are the most common decorator patterns?

If you have done some groundwork at design time, the decorator pattern can be used for statically or run-time extensions to a specific object's functionality. You can achieve this by creating a new Decorator Class that wraps the original.

Hence, where can you find Decorator pattern in Java?

Decorator Design Pattern in Java Example. Decorator pattern is used for changing the functionality of objects at runtime. This will affect only one object at a time, and not other instances of the same type.

You may also be wondering, "How do you implement decorator pattern?" Decorator Pattern

  1. Implementation.
  2. Make an interface.
  3. Concrete classes can be created that implement the same interface.
  4. Implement the Shape interface to create an abstract decorator class.
  5. Concrete decorator class created by extending the ShapeDecorator Class
  6. RedShapeDecorator can be used to decorate Shape objects.

Then, you might also wonder, "How does a decorator's pattern work?"

The decorator pattern allows a user to add functionality to an object without changing its structure. The decorator pattern provides a wrapper for the existing class. Decorator design patterns use abstract classes or interfaces to implement the wrapper.

What is a Java decorator?

Java Decorator Decorator allows you to add new behaviors to objects by wrapping them in special objects. Decorators allow you to wrap objects multiple times because both the target object and the decorator follow the same interface.