Asked by: Damyan Siegelin
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

What are the functions of liver lobules

The liver's lobules. The structure is the representation of the functional units and lobules in the liver. The portal vein branches and the hepatic arterial artery itself bring blood into the lobules. Blood then flows through the sinusoids. The hepatic liver lobules or hepatic-lobules are microscopic divisions of the liver that can be seen at the microscopic (histological).

Similar to the previous question, how many liver lobules do you have?


What is the liver's exocrine function? The liver functions as an exocrine gland and secretes bile into your intestines. The liver can also be an exocrine gland, releasing bile into the intestine. However, it is also a significant endocrine and blood filter. The liver performs many functions that are not normally associated with glands.

What else do the hepatic organ lobules produce?

Hepatocytes take nutrients and oxygen from portal perfusion and arterial perfusion respectively and make bile acids and other components that are transported from the hepatocytes to bile canaliculi and ductules. Figure 61-1. Figure 61-1.

What is the microscopic functional component of the liver?

Microscopic structure. The hepatic parenchymal cells make up about 80% of total cell mass in the liver . The acinus is the functional unit of liver, which can be seen under the microscope. It is often called the lobule and pathological changes are described in terms of it.