Asked by: Hung Iparalde
Asked in category: medical health, eye and vision conditions
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What are the best ways to treat uveitis

Uveitis treatments may include:
  1. Combination of anti-inflammatory medication and prescription eye drops
  2. Ocular anti-inflammatory injections (Ocular Anti-Inflammatory Injections) - injections can be made to the inside or outside of the eye.
  3. Oral or systemic administration of steroids, anti-metabolite or immunosuppressant drugs.

Is it possible to treat uveitis?

No. No. As long as inflammation remains active, the treatment must be continued.

How can you permanently treat uveitis? There is no permanent cure for Uveitis. However, there are ways to treat each case depending on the severity, location, and cause of the inflammation. Treatment options include injections under the eyes, eye drops and oral medication.

Find out what the most common causes of uveitis.

Although the exact cause of uveitis remains a mystery, there are some factors that can increase the likelihood of it occurring. These include psoriasis, juvenile arthritis, and other autoimmune conditions, like rheumatoidarthritis. Inflammatory disorders such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

How long does it take for the uveitis treatment to be effective?

Anterior uveitis attacks can last from a few days to several weeks, but most disappear within six to eight week. Although your symptoms will disappear in a few days, you'll need to continue the treatment until the inflammation subsides.