Asked by: Jacquie Boergers
Asked in category: technology and computing, email
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What are characteristics of spear phishing?

You can protect yourself against phishing attacks by looking out for messages and emails that contain these characteristics: Requests to open attachments or click on links. Sense of urgency. Appeal to Human Greed, Fear.

This being said, what is spear phishing?

Another common example of spear phishing scam is an email sent by an online store advising you about a purchase. The email may contain a link to a login page, where the scammer can simply harvest your credentials. A text message or automated phone call from your bank informing you that your account has been compromised.

You might also wonder what the difference is between spear phishing or phishing. Spear phishing and phishing are two common types of email attacks that attempt to trick you into clicking on malicious links or attachments. It is all about targeting. Spear Phishing emails are designed to get one recipient to respond.

What is the best definition for spear phishing?

Spear-phishing, which is often used to steal financial or account information, is a targeted attack on a victim in an attempt to steal sensitive information. This method is 91% effective in obtaining confidential information online.

What is spear phishing?

Spear Phishing uses fake correspondence from friends and associates to convince people to download malware or release sensitive information. Email or social media are the most common ways to contact potential victims.