Asked by: Evgeniya Quito
Asked in category: travel, polar travel, travel, polar travel, travel, polar travel, travel, polar travel
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What animals migrate?

These are just a few of the animals that migrate.
  • Monarch butterfly.
  • Blue whale.
  • Sandhill crane.
  • Humpback whale
  • Wildebeest.
  • Gray Whale
  • Hummingbird.
  • Canada goose.

It is simple.

These migrations tend to be north-south. Many species breed and feed in northern latitudes and then move hundreds of kilometres south in the winter. Some species use this strategy to migrate between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres every year.

What animals also migrate in winter? Many mammals, including bats, whales, elk, and caibou, migrate to warmer areas each winter. The whales migrate south to spend winter there. However, there isn’t as much food up north. Many fish species, including salmon, follow the same yearly migration patterns.

Do mammals also migrate?

Other North American mammals such as the elk, mule deer and dall sheep (Ovis dalli) still regularly migrate in unaffected areas. Large African mammals migrate according to the succession of dry and wet seasons. This can significantly alter the habitat.

Which animals travel the furthest?

The Arctic terns are the only animal to have a longer annual migration than any other. The bird travels 44,000 miles per year between Greenland & Antarctica using a zig-zag path.