Asked by: Aie Cacais
Asked in category: sports, swimming
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

Scouting's Safe Swim Defense Plan: What does it mean?

Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense govern BSA's swimming and boating activities. Both require that activities be supervised by an adult of 21 years or older who is responsible for the safety and well-being of the youth in their care.

Similar questions are asked about safe swimming defense.

Safe Swim Defense outlines the steps that a BSA unit must follow to swim safely. A minimum of one adult leader must have completed Safe Swim Defense training and have a commitment card (No.

Learn how to pass the BSA swim exam. This test is for swimmers who can jump feet first into the water above their heads in depth. Start by standing straight and swimming 75 yards strong using one or more strokes: sidestroke or breaststroke, crawl, trudgen or crawl. Then, swim 25 yards using a simple backstroke.

What precautions should be taken to ensure a safe swimming experience?

Terms in the set (4)

  • Supervision #1. All swimming activities must be supervised by an adult who has been trained in Safe Swim Defense.
  • #2 Personal health. Every swimmer must give a complete and current health history.
  • #3 Safe Area #3 Safe Area
  • #4 Response personnel (lifeguards)

Who can sign off on the BSA rank requirements

A merit badge counselor is responsible for granting merit badges to individuals who have been approved and registered by the council.