Asked by: Primavera Fungueiriño
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Redotil: What's it used for?

Medical uses
Racecadotril can be used to treat acute diarrhea in both children and adults. It is more tolerable than loperamide because it causes less constipation. Many guidelines recommend that racecadotril be used in combination with oral rehydration therapy for children with acute diarrhea.

What is Racecadotril used to treat?

Acetorphan (racecadotril) is an oral inhibitor of enkephalinase for the treatment acute diarrhoea. Racecadotril prevents the endogenous degradation of enkephalins and reduces the intestinal lumen hypersecretion.

Is Racecadotril safe for pregnant women? Safety data on Racecadotril in pregnancy, lactation, and renal/hepatic impairment are not available. This makes it difficult to recommend its safe use. Racecadotril was approved for the treatment of diarrhea. Available in 100mg capsules, 10, 15, and 30 mg sachets.

Racecadotril: When should you take it?

Racecadotril should only be used for acute diarrhoea if your doctor has instructed you. You should take it three times daily, at regular intervals, until your diarrhoea stops. However, you shouldn't keep it going for more than seven days. The first dose should be given as soon as possible.

How can you take loperamide safely?

Loperamide for diarrhoea Imodium. Adults with severe diarrhoea should take two capsules/tablets immediately. After that, one capsule/tablet after every diarrhoea episode. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Eat as normal as possible and as quickly as you feel like it.