Asked by: Alis Tio
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, christianity
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

Is the whole Bible inspired by God?

Biblical inspiration refers to the doctrine of Christian theology that human editors and authors of the Bible were influenced or led by God, so that their writings can be considered the Word of God.

So, which verse of the Bible claims that the Bible is truly inspired?

There are two types of deductive justifications. Deductive justifications.

What verse also says that the Bible is the Word of God? John 1:1 is the first verse of the Gospel of John's opening chapter. The verse is found in the DouayaRheims and King James Bibles as well as other Bible versions. It reads: In God's beginning was the Word, and God was with the Word. And God was the Word.

Is my Bible also the inspired word God's Word?

Yes, My Bible is the inspired Word of God! Goodrick claims in this book that the Bible original autographs are inspired and that all copies (i.e. Goodrick claims that the original autographs of the b>Bible/b> are b>inspired/b>, that all copies (i.e. manuscripts) are inspired, as well as all Bible translations.

What does the Bible say about inspiration?

2 Timothy 3:16-17 states that Scripture is "God breathed" and inspired. This means that Scripture is God's source or origin. God used the Holy Spirit to give human authors the Bible. They were more than just copyists and transcribers.