Asked by: Crystal Ammar
Asked in category: science, geology
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

Quizlet: What causes continental drift?

Earth's plates move because of convection currents in its mantle. Plates can slide past one another, collide with each other, or move away. How can fossils be used to prove a continental shift? The MANTLE's convection currents cause Earth's plates and other fluids to move.

So, what is continental drift quizlet exactly?

continental drift. This hypothesis states that once the continents were one landmass, they broke up and drifted to their current locations.

What are scientists thinking about the possible causes of continental drift? Wegener suggested that the Earth's rotation might have caused the continents shift in the opposite direction. (It doesn't.) We know today that the continents are supported by huge slabs of rock known as tectonic plates. Plate tectonics is a process in which plates interact and move.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What are five pieces of evidence that support continental drift?"

Theory of the Continental Drift

  1. Climate. Puzzle-like fit of continental shelves. Ex.
  2. Rocks.
  3. Fossils. Ex. There are coal beds in North America and Great Britain. The same period saw deposits in Belgium and North America.
  4. Coal Beds. Fossilized trees found in coal beds that used to grow in temperate regions, but are now in a polar climate.
  5. Continents are like Puzzle Pieces.

Quiz: How is continental drift and plate-tectonics related?

The theory of continental drift claims that the entire world is made up of one continent. According to the theory of plate-tectonics however, the earth's surface can be broken down into a variety of shifting plates and slabs.