Asked by: Sevak Zweibohmer
Asked in category: business and finance, job market
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

What does the term "demand" mean?

Definition: The economic term demand refers to the number of goods or services consumers want to buy at any price point. Demand is not the mere desire of a customer for a product. It's also the number of services or products that consumers are willing to buy.

What do you think the term "demand" means?

A principle of economics, demand refers to the consumer's desire and willingness to pay for goods or services. All other factors being equal, an increase in price for a good/service will reduce the demand, and vice versa.

What is a demand sentence? A command sentence (command, order, or directive sentence) is a command, request, or call for action.

Similar to the previous question, what is the difference between demand and example?

Examples of the Supply and Demand Concept Supply refers the quantity of goods available. Demand indicates how many people are interested in those goods. If a product is in short supply, its price will drop and the demand can rise as it costs more to produce.

What is the meaning of the term demand? Let's take an example from law of demand.

According to the law of demand, all other things being equal, the price determines how much a person will pay for a product or service. 1? Will Buy Less of Something if Its Price Rises? This is how it works in real life: the 2014 beef demand schedule.