Asked by: Batista Stangle
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, photography
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

Lifetouch allows you to order old photos.

You can order portraits or portrait gifts for up to nine months after Picture Day. Follow the instructions in your portrait envelope for reordering or visit our Order Your School Pictures information to order after Picture Day.

How long can you place an order for photos from Lifetouch?

9 Months

The next question is: How do I get my Shutterfly lifetouch photos? Go to to send a new verification email. After clicking the link in email, an error message appears that states "This user has been previously linked to a Shutterfly Account". To view your Lifetouch images, sign into your Shutterfly Account.

People often ask if they can copy photos from lifetouch.

PHOTO ARCHIVING We want to keep the photos Lifetouch creates for our customers for many years. If you order photos from Lifetouch we may securely retain a digital copy (or more) of your source photos that you can claim and archive in Shutterfly if you choose.

What can I do to find old school photos?

There are many resources you can use to find the information you need.

  1. Ask your parents or other family members.
  2. Visit Your Local Library.
  3. Ask for Yearbooks of Old Classmates.
  4. Search Online.
  5. Give us a call at your elementary school.