Asked by: Brigette Berriozar
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, stamps and coins
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

It is called double standard.

The term Double Standard, in economics, is used to denote a Double Standard of Monetary Valuation. It refers to the existence of the Gold Standard and the Silver Standard, respectively.

What does it mean to have two standards?

Double standard. A double-standard code or policy favors one group over the other. Unfair double standards A double-standard is when a teacher allows all boys to bring candy to lunch, but not girls. Double standard: Men are paid more for the same job than women.

What do you call someone who has double standards? We are guilty of a double standard when we treat someone differently than another person in the same situation, particularly when women are treated differently from men. Similar words: alpha female. bimetallism.

You might also wonder what double-standard morality means.

Double standard. 1: A set of principles that is applied differently to different people or situations, especially: A code of morals that applies stricter standards to sexual behavior to women than it does to men. 2 : bimetallism.

Is hypocrisy and double-standards the same thing?

Hypocrisy refers to the practice of saying one thing but doing another. It's the behavior of people who do things that they don't want others to do. Double standards, on the other hand, refers to the unfair application of one rule to different groups of people.