Asked by: Brittani Meñakabarrena
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders, medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Is traction contraindicated for spondylolisthesis?

Aggressive physical therapy can provide significant short-term benefits. It should include lower limb stretching as well as progressive abdominal, hip and back muscle strengthening. Lumbar traction should not be used . There are two options for surgery: spinal decompression or fusion.

You might also ask, "Does traction help with spondylolisthesis?"

SPINAL TRACTION: Spinal traction can be used to treat the following conditions: 1.) Spinal nerve root impingement: 1.) Herniated disc. 2. Ligament en-croachment. 3. Narrowing of the intervertebral Foramen. 4. Osteophyte Encroachment. 5. Spinal nerve root swelling.

Is chiropractic safe for spondylolisthesis? Chiropractic Care for Spondylolisthesis. Chiropractic care can help with spondylolisthesis. In most cases, the cause of your pain is not spondylolisthesis. Instead, you may have mechanical back pain that chiropractors can treat very effectively.

Is a spinal fusion contraindicated for traction?

Spinal Traction Contraindications: Acute strains, sprains, and inflammatory conditions can be aggravated with traction. Patients with spinal joint instability might be subject to more strain by using strong traction. If the patient has recently had spinal fusion, it is important to avoid traction.

Spinal Decompression is good for spondylolisthesis

Spinal decompression therapy could be the answer to your pain if you suffer from spondylolisthesis. This noninvasive therapy can ease your pain and is quick and easy.