Asked by: Anibal Spangemacher
Asked in category: business and finance, financial crisis
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

Is the legality of yield spread premium?

They now have SRP instead of YSP! SRP stands for Service release Premium. This is the money that the bank or direct lender receives when they sell your loan. It is not required by federal law and they will never disclose it.

This being said, how can you calculate the yield spread premium?

Yield Spread Premium One point equals 1% of the total loan amount. The bank would offer a broker a rate at zero points, then reduce the rate for points paid or increase rebated rates. The difference between the rate you are offered and the rate at which you accept is called the mortgage yield spread.

Also, know where the yield spread premium must be disclosed in a mortgage transaction. "The law states that if you're a broker, you must disclose the yield spread premium at page two," of a federally mandated Settlement Sheet. This sheet is required for all loans. Bob Chaplin, president of The National Association of Planners, said that the yield spread premium must be disclosed in a mortgage transaction.

You might also ask: What is a yield spread for a mortgage?

The yield spread bonus (YSP), is money or rebate that is paid to a mortgage agent for granting a borrower an increased interest rate in return for lower upfront costs. This can be in the form of origination fees or discount points.

What does SRP stand for in the mortgage industry

Service release price