Asked by: Ivanildo Weidemann
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

Is tar paper allowed to go under or over the drip edge?

The drip edge should be placed over the paper at both the eaves and under the rake. It's a trap! In my early days of construction, I learned that the tar paper should be placed OVER the drip edge so moisture does not seep under the drip edge.

Similar questions are asked: What goes first, tar paper, or drip edge?

It is best to place the roof drip edge along the eaves, then add ice-and water barrier (in the snowbelt or felt paper) to the drip edge. This allows any water to run off the roof and down the underlayment, then over the drip edge.

The next question is: Which side of tarpaper goes down? Lay the sticky side down when laying tar paper sheets. The and sides of tar paper are clearly different. Although one side can be sticky, don't expect it leave any glue-like residue. The other side is smooth and paper-like and often contains line markings and lettering.

Moreover, does drip edge go over or under felt?

1 Answer. It all depends on where the drop edge is. The drip edge is located at the gabels of a roof and goes above the roofing felt. The drip edge runs under the roofing felt at the bottom.

Is tar paper allowed to be used over water and ice shields?

Water shield is different than felt paper. It's a rubberized membrane which sticks to the roof sheathing and itself. If installed correctly, it creates a waterproof barrier that can stand water. Felt paper doesn't stick to anything.