Asked by: Daljit El Maimouni
Asked in category: food and drink, desserts and baking
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

Is nutmeg a neurotoxic?

Myristicine is one of the active ingredients in nutsmg. It has neurotoxic effects on monoamine oxidase and dopaminergic neurons[2,14,15]. Nutmeg can be toxic and is a concern for health when it comes to intoxication calls[3,16a18].

What is the psychoactive component in nutmeg, other than this?


You may also wonder if nutmeg has side effects. When taken orally, nutmeg and mace can be considered safe. Mace and Nutmeg are common spices in food. People who took larger amounts of nutsmg have experienced dizziness, nausea, dry mouth and irregular heartbeats, as well as agitation, hallucinations, and dry mouth. Death has also been reported as a side effect.

So, is nutmeg a DeLiriant?

Pharmacology. Raw Nutmeg contains 5-15% essential oils by mass. Myristicin is a constituent of 4-8.5% nutmeg essential oils, or 0.2-1.3% raw nutsmeg. Research from 1997 found that myristicin could alter the toxicity and/or metabolic pathways of certain compounds.

Is nutmeg good for pain?

DK Healing Foods' book states that "Nutmeg (or nutmeg) volatile oil has anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for treating muscle and joint pain." A few drops of essential oil can be applied to the sores and treated inflammation, swelling, pain in the joints, and muscle pain.