Asked by: Sidonio Mozhartsev
Asked in category: business and finance, media industry
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

Is newspaper circulation in decline?

This overall decrease includes a 10% decline in weekday print circulation (9% Sundays), and a 1% drop in weekday digital circulation (11% Sundays). The total weekday circulation of U.S. daily newspapers dropped to 35 million while Sunday circulation fell to 38 million. This is the lowest level since 1945.

Are newspapers on the decline?

The American news landscape is dominated by newspapers. However, they are being hit hard by the increasing number of Americans who consume news online. After years of growth, the industry's financial fortunes have declined since 2000.

Why is newspaper readership on the decline? It is because of the declining newspaper production due to internet access, advertising and corporate ownership. In print newspapers, revenue lost after the invention of the internet.

Is newspaper also dying?

It was known that digital circulation was decreasing for all major newspapers by March 2018. This led to speculation about the death of the entire American newspaper industry. From 43,000 newspaper journalists in 1978 to 33,000 by 2015, the number of newspaper journalists has declined.

What has the impact of declining newspaper sales?

The U.S. has seen a decline in weekday print circulation from nearly 60 million copies in 1994 to 35million for digital and print combined circulation. This is 24 years after a peak. Advertising revenue has plummeted, from $65 billion to $19 billion in 2000 to a mere $65 billion in 2016.