Asked by: Enetz Wilshusen
Asked in category: travel, beach travel, travel, beach travel
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Is Manhattan Beach safe to swim?

Is it safe to swim at Manhattan Beach? The water quality at Manhattan Beach generally is excellent. Storm drains can sometimes wash unidentified pollutants into the ocean after heavy rains. These storms can cause swimmers to avoid swimming.

People also ask if Long Beach is safe to swim in.

Yes. Yes. The vast majority of the ocean and bay waters off the coast of Long Beach are in compliance with State ocean water quality standards. Only areas near storm drains or after major rainstorms are exceptions.

Is Manhattan Beach clean? The beach is family-friendly, has a lot of beach volleyball courts, boardwalk, and stunning mountains as a backdrop.

Is there a shark in Manhattan Beach?

Manhattan Beach has been a hot spot for sightings in recent summers. Boaters, pier-goers and surfers are all likely to see white sharks, especially between El Porto and Manhattan Beach Pier.

Is Santa Monica Beach safe?

Santa Monica's ocean water is safe to swim in. However, it is important to avoid the ocean after a rainstorm because the urban runoff could cause problems. During the dry season, i.e. During the dry season (i.e. summer), this is not an issue. For more information, visit Heal the Bay beaches.