Asked by: Rick Arzoz
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases, medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Is Life Line screening a good idea?

Yes. Life Line screening is a legitimate business that provides community-based screenings. Life Line Screenings can help you identify your risk factors for certain conditions but it cannot replace your doctor. Your primary care physician will review your results to ensure you get the most benefit from a health screening.

Also, is Life Line Screening a Ripoff or a legitimate business?

Life Line Screening Response Senior Citizens are being charged for this awellness Exama. The seniors are not eligible to Medicare to pay for their annual physicals, which make it possible to get their MED's. You are charging seniors citizens to talk to you! This is a scam.

Is Life Line Screening also covered by Medicare? Life Line Screening of America Ltd is not a participant in the Medicare program. The cost of our screening services are not covered by Medicare.

What is the cost of a lifeline screening?

The typical Life Line Screening package costs around $120 to $150 and is not covered by insurance. There is no recommended treatment for a positive vascular screening other than modifying cardiovascular risk factors, which is a good advice to heed as we age.

How long does Life Line Screening take to produce results?

Screening Results Why can it take up to 21 business days for me to get my results?