Asked by: Gift Ridruejo
Asked in category: science, genetics
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

Is it possible to have an extra chromosome while being normal?

Aneuploidy is a change in the number of chromosomes that are not present in the normal 46. Trisomy is a common type of aneuploidy. This refers to the presence of an additional chromosome within cells. Down syndrome patients typically have three copies each of chromosome 21 within their cells, which gives them a total 47 chromosomes.

Keep this in mind: What happens if a person has too many copies a chromosome

Trisomy is a condition where an egg or sperm is made. You have two copies for every chromosome. If meiosis is not working properly, it's possible to end up having too many or very few . Trisomy is a condition where there are three chromosomes in fertilized eggs or sperm, and one extra in an egg.

What does an extrachromosome also mean? Trisomy is a condition in which a baby has more than one chromosome. Trisomy 18 means that the baby has three copies of chromosome 18. Many of the baby’s organs will develop abnormally as a result.

You might also wonder, "Why does an extra chromosome create problems?"

TRISOMY 21 (NONDISJUNCTION). Down syndrome is often caused by an error of cell division called anondisjunction. An embryo with nondisjunction has three copies of chromosome 21, instead of the normal two. A pair of 21st-chromosomes fails to separate in the sperm and egg prior to conception.

What happens if there is an extra Y chromosome in your body?

XYY syndrome refers to a genetic condition where a male inherits an extra Y chromosome. There are often few symptoms. Some of these symptoms include being taller than the average person, acne, or an increased risk for learning problems. The person is otherwise healthy, with normal fertility.