Asked by: Yonka Gost
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Is it possible to flood a washing machine with water?

Floods in washing machines can be caused by unknown sources below and around the appliance's base. If your washer is located on a sloped surface, such as a garage floor, water can flood the entire unit from the back to the front.

What causes a washing machine flood?

The cause of the flooding is that the water supply lines from your washer to the shut-off valves are always under pressure. When you turn on the washer, water immediately starts jetting out. These supply lines are usually made of PVC and rubber.

How do you drain a washing machine that has flooded? These are the steps to drain a flooded washing machine.

  1. Turn off the water.
  2. Unplug the washer.
  3. Take in the standing water.
  4. Vacuum the remaining water.
  5. Dry out the Flooded Area
  6. The Washing Machine should be empty.
  7. Remove Unsalvageable Materials.
  8. Cleanse and deodorize the area.

The same goes for washing machines after flooding.

If you have wet clothes or linens, it's tempting to turn on the dryer and start washing them. Even clean water can cause damage to the appliance's inner workings, including the motor.

Is a washing machine capable of exploding?

Samsung stated that it could happen when bulky, water-resistant, or bedding is washed at high speeds. The drum may lose its balance and cause excessive vibrations to dislodge it. Samsung has recalled washing machines following reports of some washing machines exploding.