Asked by: Rosalee Wrocklage
Asked in category: personal finance, personal taxes
Last Updated: 23rd Jun 2024

Is it possible for a beneficiary to withdraw from a 529 plan?

529 plan account holders can withdraw any amount from their 529 plans, but only qualified distributions are tax-free. Non-qualified distribution earnings must be reported by the account owner or beneficiary on their federal income tax return. It is subject to income taxes and a 10% penalty.

The same applies to 529 plans.

529 plan account holders can withdraw any amount from their 529 plans, but only qualified distributions are tax-free. Non-qualified distributions that earn earnings must be reported by account owners or beneficiaries on their federal income tax returns. This is subject to income taxes and a 10% penalty.

Can I also withdraw my 529 plan contributions? There are penalties for early withdrawals. Since you have already paid income taxes on money contributed to a 529 plan you can withdraw your original contributions at any moment.

What happens to a 529 plan if the beneficiary dies?

FINRA states that if your beneficiary is disabled, dies or becomes disabled, you may be exempted from the 10% penalty. The 529 plan allows you to be flexible enough to not have to forfeit your investments even if your child decides to stop attending college.

Is it possible to transfer ownership of a 529 Plan to the Beneficiary?

Yes, individual 529 Education Savings Plan accounts can be transferred to other beneficiaries or rolled over into 529 accounts for the same beneficiary. A 529 account that is funded with custodial assets cannot be changed.