Asked by: Deogracias Carecho
Asked in category: food and drink, barbecues and grilling
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

Is it better to eat uncured meats?

A 2011 study found that uncured meats could contain as many nitrates/nitrites as conventional meats. It doesn't matter if they have more or fewer. It's not known if preservatives cause cancer or if there's another ingredient in cured meats that is harmful.

So, which is better: cured or uncured?

Curing creates complex flavors by using yeast, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria. It's simply a matter how meats have been preserved. Cured meats contain chemicals and other additives, while Uncured meats rely only on natural flavors and salts. Uncured meats contain nitrates. Uncured meats don't.

What are uncured meats? Auncured meats are usually cured with natural sources such as celery powder or sea salt. They do not contain carcinogenic chemicals. Celery powder, however, is still a nitrite. Numerous vegetables actually contain nitrites.

Hence, uncured meat is better.

Salt is used to cure uncured bacon. Even though meats have been preserved for centuries by salt-curing, this doesn't necessarily mean they are good for you. Uncured bacon poses almost the same health risks as cured bacon due to its high sodium content and large fat.

Are uncured hot dogs better for you?

Hot dogs that have been uncured are free from artificial nitrates and nitrites. It is healthier for uncured hot dog but it's still hot dogs that you are eating. This means it's still likely to be at the top of the sodium and fat scale.