Asked by: Assumpta Garcia Filoso
Asked in category: medical health, mental health
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

Is an adjustment disorder a mental illness?

Although it is relatively mild in comparison to other mental disorders, the severity of each disorder varies. A person with adjustment disorder (AjD), has difficulty adapting to and coping with significant psychosocial stressors.

You may also wonder if adjustment disorder is a serious mental illness.

If adjustment disorders are not treated, they can lead to other mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse.

Is adjustment disorder considered a disability, in addition to the above? Yes. Yes. An adjustment disorder can be considered an emotional disability. People with this condition could be eligible for Social Security disabled insurance. These individuals will need to show symptoms such as fatigue or anxiety that affect their ability to perform work-related tasks.

What is an adjustment disorder?

Adjustment disorder falls under the ICD-10 classification (F43)

What is the difference between anxiety disorder and adjustment disorder?

Adjustment disorder sufferers only feel their symptoms during times of stress and change. Adjustment disorder sufferers will experience a significant reduction in anxiety as they adjust to life changes. GAD sufferers are more likely to experience anxiety throughout their lives.