Asked by: Jiane Villameriel
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances, home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

How much does stainmaster PetProtect cost?

Cost of stainmaster carpet
Costs for Stainmaster Carpet Zip Code
Basic Best
Stainmaster Carpet Installation Cost $105.00 - $170.00 $165.00 - $175.00
Stainmaster Carpet: A Total $380.00 - $520.00 $630.00 - $730.00
Stainmaster Carpet: Average Cost Per Square Foot $4.50 $6.80

What is the cost of Stainmaster carpet?

Average Costs of StainMaster Carpet StainMaster carpet can be purchased by the square foot or the square yard depending on the dealer and the type of carpet you choose. Prices for the square foot range from $7 to $11. Prices range from $21-$33.

What is the cheapest carpet that you can buy? Olefin (polypropylene), is one of the most affordable carpet fibers. It is best suited to low-traffic areas as it is not very resilient when made into a cut pile ( Saxony). It is stronger in a looped format, such as a Berber or a commercial level loop.

Also, what is the average price for carpet?

Although carpeting can be purchased at a variety of prices, the average homeowner will pay $7 to $12 per square foot ($63 to $108/square yard) for an average installation size of 10 feet by 14 feet, and a cost of $980 up to $1,680.

Is Shaw carpet superior to stainmaster?

Both companies are known for producing the best hardwood and laminate flooring products on the market. It is often claimed that Shaw carpeting has excellent nylon yarn, while Mohawk carpeting uses SmartStrand technology.