Asked by: Arantza Hussung
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

How much does it cost to plant pine trees?

Pine seedlings can be planted more quickly and are cheaper than hardwoods. Pine seedlings cost $40 per 1000, while oaks and yellow-poplar are more expensive at $250 per 1,000.

So, how much does it cost for pine trees to be replanted?

Pine seedlings can be planted more quickly and are cheaper than hardwoods. Pine seedlings cost $40 per 1000, while oaks and yellow-poplar are more expensive at $250 per 1,000.

The next question is: How many pine trees can you plant per acre? For most management goals, it is desirable to plant 400-700 seedlings per acre. This number can easily be established by using a variety of planting spacings. (Table 1). For more information, see Storing, Handling, and Planting Pine Seedlings, FSA5007.

What is the cost of planting a tree?

It all depends on how much it costs to plant a tree. This cost for a tree can vary widely depending on the reforestation project. It can range from 10 cents per Tree to more than $20 per Tree. Depending on the project, $20 could be used to plant 200 trees or one tree.

When is the best time to plant pine trees in the year?

Pine trees that have been established are more tolerant to extreme temperatures than the ones usually reported for these areas. This makes late summer-early autumn the best time for planting pine trees.