Asked by: Amador Plikhin
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances, home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

How much does it cost to fix a refrigerator?

The average refrigerator repair cost is between $200-$400. Refrigerators can be considered different from icemakers - see below for the price to repair individual components. Refrigerators are a long-lasting appliance that needs maintenance and repairs to keep it in top condition.

Is it worth fixing a fridge?

replace. Built-in refrigerators almost always worth repairing. They are usually less expensive to repair and have a longer life expectancy. Side-by-side refrigerators need to be repaired within five years and replaced after that.

What is the average refrigerator life expectancy? 14 years

You might also be interested in how much it costs to replace the compressor in a refrigerator.

The cost of replacing one varies depending on the cost for the item and labor. It is usually between $300 and $550. A compressor with a defective relay switch repair can cost between $50 and $200. This is an easy solution if money is a problem.

Is it worth replacing the compressor in a refrigerator?

It is more likely that the refrigerator has lost its refrigerant (usually R134a. It's not worth paying half the price for a new refrigerator to restore a 10-15-year-old fridge. Sometimes, the repair may be covered by the manufacturer's warranty. This may be the only reason to replace a compressor.