Asked by: Lazaro Denes
Asked in category: movies, horror movies
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

How much did saw 1 cost to make?

Saw had a budget of $1.2million and was shot in only 18 days. Saw quickly gained a cult following and was able to make a mark in popular culture. It grossed over $100 million worldwide, making it one of the most lucrative horror films since 1996's Scream.

It is also important to find out what the budget was for Saw 1.

Saw was a financial success. It was shot on a modest budget of $1.2 million and earned more $55,000,000 at U.S. box office alone, as well as $102,917.772 worldwide. The film received mixed reviews.

How long did it take for the saw to be made? Film's pre-production took only five days. The film was shot and edited simultaneously in 18 days. All scenes in the bathroom were shot in six days. There were no rehearsals for the actors. Rehearsals were actually footage that was used in the film.

Who made Saw 1?

James Wan

Which one is scariest?

Jigsaws and Saw Movies Ranked in Order of 'Most Scary

  • Saw (2004) #1 Scariest Saw Movie.
  • Saw II (2005) 2 and Scariest.
  • Jigsaw 2017 3 rd Most Scariest.
  • Saw III (2006) 4 The Scariest.
  • Saw IV (2007) 5 The Scariest.
  • Saw 3D: The Final Chapter (2010) 6 scariest.
  • Saw V (2008) 7 The Scariest.
  • Saw VI (2009) 8 The Scariest.