Asked by: Eterio Lasalde
Asked in category: food and drink, vegetarian diets
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How many walnuts per day should you eat to lower your cholesterol?

The "walnut diet" consisted of eating eight to eleven walnuts per day in place of olive oil/fat. Each diet was followed for six weeks. It takes four weeks for cholesterol to stabilize following diet changes.

Many people also wonder how many walnuts you should eat per day.

Joe Vinson, a US chemistry professor and researcher, stated that a handful of walnuts has almost twice the antioxidants of any other nut. But people don't consume many of them. He advised that you eat seven walnuts per day.

The next question is: Does walnut consumption increase HDL? Suzanne Farrell MS, RD, American Dietetic Association spokesperson, says that walnuts are great because of their high levels omega-3 fatty acid. Researchers found that walnuts were associated with an average 10% increase in good HDL cholesterol, and a decrease of 10% in bad LDL cholesterol.

Do walnuts lower cholesterol in this regard?

Although most nuts have health benefits, walnuts are unique in that they contain a special fat which can help lower cholesterol. Walnuts are rich in polyunsaturated oils and the only source of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids. They are an excellent food for heart health.

When is the best time for walnuts to be eaten?

Nuts are best eaten in the morning to get the most benefit. Nuts eaten with breakfast can reduce fatigue and help regulate blood pressure. Experts recommend that nuts and dried fruits are the best snack option.