Asked by: Richie Philippy
Asked in category: sports, scuba diving
Last Updated: 23rd Jun 2024

How many torpedoes did a WWII submarine carry?

They had a single hull construction with a surface displacement of approximately 850 tons and submerged displacements of around 1100 tons. Four to five 21-inch torpedo tubes were located in the bow. They could carry12 Mk. 10 steam torpedoes.

People also ask: How many submarines were in the Second World War?

54 WW2 Submarines

What was the best WW2 submarine? Glider

  • The German Type XXI was the best submarine of war.
  • American Fleet submarines were the best submarines in wartime service.
  • My opinion is that the Polish were the best submarines at the beginning of World War 1939.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "How deep did the World War 2 submarines travel?"

World War I German U-boats had collapse depths ranging from 200 to 280m (660 to 909 feet).

How do torpedoes get loaded in a submarine?

The valve for compressed air is opened. The torpedo can be ejected from its tube. It is important that the air does not fill the tube completely. Instead, the air is vented inboard to prevent a bubble from escaping into the sea. This will allow the surface to reveal the location of the submarine.