Asked by: Eryka Palermo
Asked in category: sports, scuba diving
Last Updated: 27th Jul 2024

How does the ocean's conditions change as a function of depth?

Hydrostatic pressure is the force exerted on an object by a liquid. The pressure of water pushing down on you increases the deeper you are submerged in the sea. The pressure rises by 14.5 psi for every 33 feet (10.06m) that you descend.

People also ask: How do the conditions change when the ocean waters get deeper?

Explanation: The temperature of ocean water drops as it is not exposed to sunlight at depth. The temperature drops in depth and pressure rises.

Also, how does the ocean's salinity change as it gets deeper? This is an ocean water salinity profile. This profile shows that salt is high at the surface, and then salt drops to a depth around 1,000 meters. Salinity increases slightly as you increase depth. The halocline is a water layer where the salinity changes quickly with depth.

What happens if you get too far into the ocean?

A: This is a type of decompression sickness that was first observed in deep-sea divers. The blood absorbs nitrogen gas from the blood at great depths below water. The body can become ill if the diver is too fast when the nitrogen gas bubbles form in the blood.

What are the conditions for deep sea diving?

Deep ocean temperatures are very low, which is why it is so dark. Because of these conditions, less life can survive deep ocean than other areas of the ocean.