Asked by: Youssoupha Rogeiro
Asked in category: technology and computing, data storage and warehousing
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

How do you sort in Cobol?

  1. Input-file, I-O and output-file modes are available.
  2. Transfers records from the input-file into the work-file.
  3. Sort the SORT FILE in ascending/descending order by rec-key
  4. Transfers the sorted files from the work-file into the output-file.

How do you also sort the Cobol program?

SORT can perform the following operations. Transmits records from the input-file into the work-file. Rec-key sorts the SORT-FILE according to ascending/descending order.

How do you reverse an order in Cobol? COBOL supports a READ LAST command to retrieve the last record in a file. You can then use READ prior to reading the reverse order file. You don't know which COBOL version your file is. If your device supports it, you may use "OPEN INUT fname REVERSED".

What is SD Cobol then?

The File Description (FD), Entry (or Sort Description (SD) Entry if you are sorting/merging files) is the highest level in a COBOL program. It is not important which order the optional clauses are placed after the FD/SD entry.

What is file merging and file sorting?

Merging and sorting files. Data processing requires that records are arranged in a specific sequence. The sort operation takes unsequenced input, and generates output in a specific sequence. The merge operation compares multiple sequenced files and creates a sequential order.