Asked by: Som Urdambidelus
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

How does hydroponics affect the growth of plants?

A hydroponic plant grows 30-50 percent faster than one grown in the same conditions. Plants that have plenty of oxygen in their root systems absorb nutrients more quickly. Hydroponic systems allow nutrients to be mixed with water and sent directly into the root system.

This begs the question: Do hydroponics plants grow faster?

Instead, they can focus on growing tall and big. Hydroponic plants can actually grow 30-50% faster when grown in the same conditions as soil plants. You can identify problems earlier, which allows you to treat them or fix them faster.

Hydroponics also has a way for plants to get nutrients. Instead of getting nutrients from the solution, hydroponics gives them that option. Aeroponics is the same except that fertilizer is misted onto roots. Because plants make their own vitamins and so the vitamin levels of vegetables grown in soil or hydroponically are similar.

How do hydroponic plants grow, other than the above?

Hydroponically grow in 7 Steps

  1. Select a system. You can either make your own hydroponic garden from soda bottles, or use a kit to grow plants. Choose a system that suits your needs and budget.
  2. Pick a plant medium.
  3. Plant seeds.
  4. Lighten up.
  5. Provide proper nutrition
  6. Encourage pollination
  7. Choose when you are ready.

What are the drawbacks of hydroponics and other methods of growing plants in this system?


  • It is not cheap to put together a hydroponics system.
  • Monitoring is essential.
  • Power outages can cause hydroponic systems to fail.
  • Water-based micro-organisms can easily sneak in.
  • Hydroponic gardening requires technical knowledge.
  • The field conditions are more favorable for production.