Asked by: Crispiniano Bonensteffen
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

How do you get rid of heavy soap scum?

Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Add one tablespoon dish detergent. Allow the solution to sit for 15 minutes on the soap-scum. After you have left it, scrub the area with a soft-bristle scrubbrush and rinse with hot water. Dry completely.

Many people also wonder what the best soap scum removal product is.

Comparison table of the Best Soap Scum Removers

  • 1st Place. Shower Hard Water Stain Removal: Chomp Bathroom Gel Cleaner With Scum Shield
  • 2nd Place. 2nd Place: Bucko Soap Scum & Grime Cleaner 32oz Bottle
  • 3rd Place. Rejuvenate Scrub-Free Soap Scum Removal Shower Glass Door Cleaner 24oz Works On
  • 4th Place.
  • 5th Place.

CLR also removes soap scum. CLR Bath & Kitchen Cleaner has been approved by the EPA as a safe alternative to chemical products. It contains no phosphates or ammonia and is also free from bleach. It instantly removes calcium, lime, hard water deposits, soap-scum and dirt. All surfaces should be tested in a conspicuous area.

Another question is: How do you remove soap scum from shower walls?

To tackle soap scum using a homemade mixture, you should dilute the distilled white vinegar with equal amounts of water. Mix a paste of baking soda, distilled white vinegar, or lemon juice to remove stubborn spots. Apply the mixture with a sponge or cloth that is not abrasive.

What does vinegar and Dawn do to get rid of soapy scum?


  1. In a microwave, heat vinegar until hot. Pour into a squirt container.
  2. Add the Dawn soap. Place the lid on top and gently shake the soap to combine.
  3. Now you have a powerful cleaning product to melt soap scum, tub and shower buildup, clean appliances, and clean all other surfaces.