Asked by: Valeriya Jegulin
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

How do you get green moss off concrete?

Use a hose to clean the concrete. You can also use vinegar to get rid of the algae. Spray the area with a mixture water and vinegar to kill the algae. Use a water hose to rinse the concrete of the alga.

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Spray regular household bleach onto your moss using a sprayer. Mix 1 part water with 1 part bleach concentrate to make the recommended mixture. Spray the area, leave it on for 30 second, and then brush. It is possible to cause damage to clothing, plants, and grass. Please follow the directions on the bottle.

The next question is: What causes concrete to turn green? Concrete and cement surfaces that are constantly damp will allow green algae to grow. Homes in humid climates face constant battle with algae, fungus and mold growth. Algae does not cause structural damage to concrete or cement, but it can still be a problem.

You may also wonder, "How do I remove moss from concrete?"

You can also use household bleach, but garden supply stores will often carry bleach that is specifically designed to kill moss. Make a mixture of half bleach and half water. Spray the area with a sprayer, scrub it, and then rinse it off with a hose.

How do I get rid of moss from my home?

There's an environmentally-safe way to do it. I use vinegar, my household favorite. It should be poured over the moss. Allow it to work for 5-10 minutes. Rinse, scrub, and dry. Reapply vinegar if you see any green. Rinse it off.