Asked by: Bakhta Golenhofen
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

How do you feed bulbs after flowering?

After bulbs have been established, use liquid fertilizers.
Apply a fertilizer with a higher phosphorous and potash content, but lower in nitrogen. Half-strength is recommended for bulbs that are more than half way up the ground. After the bulbs have finished flowering, fertilize again.

Can you also put bulbs in pots once they have finished flowering?

The bulbs can be kept in their pots until they are ready to go, but it is best to fertilize them again with new soil. You can also take the bulbs out and let them dry in the sun. Once they are dry, you can place them in a bag with proper chilling conditions until you want to force them back.

Can I also grow bulbs in pots? It is possible to grow almost any type of bulb in containers. You can also mix different kinds of bulbs together. It's almost like growing bulbs on the ground. Make sure you have drainage holes in your container so excess water doesn't escape. Then, plant your bulbs in fall.

It is also important to know when your bulbs should be fertilized.

From shoot emergence to the time that plants reach full bloom, summer and fall flowering bulbs need to be fertilized every month. Seven tablespoons of 10-10-10 soluble fertilizer (or an equivalent bulb fertilizer), should be applied over a 10-foot area. The pH range that is best for bulbs is between 6 and 7.

Are bulbs safe to be left in pots during winter?

Depending on where I live, there are many options for overwintering. I prefer stoneware pots as they can be left outside all winter. Place your bulbs in small plastic pots, 6 inches or 8 inches in diameter. Then overwinter them outdoors in a cold frame or garage.