Asked by: Rosaria Hodge
Asked in category: automotive, driverless cars
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

How do you bypass a zone on a DSC keypad?

Tech Tips - How to bypass a zone on a DSC Power Series Security Alarm Panel
  1. Before proceeding, the System must be disarmed.
  2. Use the * Key to activate it.
  3. Use the 1 Key to access the menu.
  4. Scroll to the area that you want to bypass using the > key
  5. Use the * Key to select the zone.
  6. When the system is bypassed, a aBa should be placed next to the area.

Also, a question was asked: How can I bypass a security zone in my home?

To bypass an alarm system zone:

  1. Enter the following code: The number 6 (bypass) Two-digit zone number for the area you wish to bypass. (01, 02, 03, etc.)
  2. This process can be repeated for any other zones that you wish to avoid.
  3. This process must be repeated once your system has been disarmed.

Another question that might be asked is, "How do you program zones on DSC 1832?"

  1. Programming.
  2. You will need to enter the section that corresponds with the zone you are programming.
  3. Each zone will be identified by a 2-digit code once it is entered in the programming section.

How do I find out which zones my DSC alarm is in?

Simply press the arrow buttons on your keyboard to check which zones are closed. This will scroll through all the open zones.

What does Zone bypass refer to?

Bypass refers to the ability to disable alarm systems in specific areas before they are activated. Bypassing allows you to disable certain areas while arming the rest.