Asked by: Arletta Schramm
Asked in category: events and attractions, wedding
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

How do you attach a loop and button to hold up a wedding dress train?

  1. Sew a loop. Attach a safety pin to the back of your dress, about halfway up the length the bride's train.
  2. Attach the button. Attach the safety pin to the back of your dress, one foot above the knees of the bride.
  3. The dress should be bustled. To lift the train of the dress off the floor, hook the loop above the button.

Know also, is it possible to remove a train from a dress?

Absolutely. You can make the dress exactly the same length in almost all cases. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes it takes a lot of work.

The next question is: What is a bustle on a wedding dress? A bustle is the process of making a wedding dress look like it doesn't have a train. A seamstress inserts buttons, hooks or ribbons to the dress to make it easier to walk after the ceremony. This can be done by either lifting the train up or tucking the train into itself.

It is also asked who wears the wedding dress train.

The maid-of-honor also holds the bridal bouquet and should make sure that the bride's hair is neatly arranged at the wedding service. After the ceremony, the maid of honour has another important task: she must be present at the signing of a marriage license.

What's the purpose of a train in a wedding gown?

The purpose of the wedding gown train is the same today as it was back in the day, with the exception of royal connections. The bride's train can make a big impact as she walks down the aisle. It adds elegance to an already beautiful dress.