Asked by: Esperança Obelleiro
Asked in category: food and drink, non alcoholic beverages
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

How do I prune a loganberry plant?

Pruning loganberries:
  1. Do not trim in the first year, except to remove diseased or dead wood.
  2. Every spring, select five to six of the strongest new canes that are at least 30 inches in height and trim them down to their maximum height.
  3. After they have borne fruit, remove and destroy them immediately.

People often ask how to look after loganberry trees.

  • Rich, moisture-retentive soil.
  • Part shade or full sun
  • Yes.
  • Mulch made from well-rotted organic material in spring.
  • Make sure you have a strong frame of wires to support a wall or post.
  • Cut 2 year-old branches to ground level after harvesting.
  • Choose when it is ripe.
  • What is the best time to move loganberries? Loganberries that are not rooted can be planted in the dormant period, which is November-December. This will prevent ground from freezing or becoming too wet. You can also plant container plants in moist soil as late as March. Ground plants should be spaced at least 2 m (6 feet) between them to prevent the inevitable suckering.

    What are loganberries, you ask?

    Loganberry (Rubus Aloganobaccus), is a cross between blackberry (Rubus Ursinus) or raspberry (Rubus Idaeus). Although the plant and fruit look more like the blackberry than the raspberry, the color of the fruit is darker than in blackberries.

    What's the difference between loganberry and tayberry?

    Although the loganberry and tayberry both come from crosses of the European raspberry, and the American Pacific Coast Blackberry, the tayberry produces more fruit and is larger. These ''superior material'' results in a plant that produces purple berries twice as large as the loganberry.