Asked by: Erol Velden
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, woodworking
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

How can you paint a VJ Panel?


This is how to paint over a panel.

  1. STEP 1: Clean wall panels with TSP dilute.
  2. STEP 2 - Lightly sand the wood paneling.
  3. STEP 3 Protect the floor from paint splatter with drop cloths or painter's tape
  4. STEP 4: Apply two thin coats stain-blocking primer.
  5. STEP 5: Apply two thin coats of paint.

What is the best paint color for wood panels? Shades of Elegance. Dark paneling can look depressing in the living rooms. You can love dove gray walls with sharp white trim. White primer will make it easier to apply your top coat and keep the color true.

Can you paint paneling with no sanding?

You can paint paneling with no need to sand it first. Now your ready to paint. You can use a latex-based primer and a stain blocking agent. This paneling is a proven benefit that has been around for many decades.

What are the best paints for wood?

Furniture should be finished in satin or semigloss using either an oil-based or latex paint. Never leave primer unpainted. A latex primer can be used for all purposes if you use a latex painting. It is easy to apply and it blocks most stains. However, it does not have the oily odor that an oil-based primer has.