Asked by: Stoyan Margasahayam
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, beekeeping
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

How can you make a yellow jacket trap from a pop bottle

Making an Trap to Fly Yellow Jackets
Cut a 2-liter soda bottle at the shoulder. Keep the spout intact. Turn the spout so that it faces the bottom.

Similar questions are asked: How do you make a yellow-jacket trap from a 2 Liter bottle?

Put 1/2 cup of water in the glass. Mix the sugar with the water and shake it until it dissolves completely.

3 Steps to Make a Yellow Jacket-Trap

  1. Large 2-liter bottle
  2. 1/4 cup sugar
  3. 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  4. 1 banana peel.
  5. 4 cups water
  6. Razor knife.

Also, when is the best time to put out my yellow jacket traps? We recommend that traps be hung in the spring. This is when queens emerge from hibernation to search for nesting sites. The traps are designed to mimic the location of a nest and target yellow jackets with a pheromone.

This is why yellow jackets are attracted to certain liquids.

Sugar water, vinegar and banana will attract yellow jacket wasps.

How can you make a bee trap from a pop bottle?

Remove the cap from the 2-liter soda can and trim the neck to make it a straight cylinder. To serve as a funnel for the , invert the top half of the and place it inside the . Tape the ends of the two pieces together to keep the funnel in place.