Asked by: Rosina Loras
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How can NoSQL guarantee ACID properties?

NoSQL databases don't require a fixed table structure. They also do not offer full ACID support. It offers eventually consistency which means that data will remain consistent over time (Orend 2010).

Afterwards, you might also wonder, Does NoSQL support Acid?

Many modern NoSQL solutions don't support ACID transactions. However, most support primitives that allow you to execute transactions at the application level.

What are ACID properties? ACID Properties in SQL Server guarantee Data Integrity during transactions. The SQLACID acronym stands for Atomicity. Consistency. Isolation. Durability. Atomicity is the atomicity acid property of SQL. It can be used to indicate that all operations within a transaction (insert/update, delete) take place.

Considering this, why is NoSQL acidic?

NoSQL supports ACID properties, but it is not a problem. NoSQL supports BASE properties instead of ACID. This allows for performance with large data sets across multiple nodes (partition), and ensures that there is no loss in performance.

What's the purpose of the acronym base

BASE is used to refer to the properties of specific databases, often NoSQL databases. While BASE is not covered in detail, there are many articles on ACID that provide detailed information about each of the atomicity and consistency, isolation, durability, and isolation properties.