Asked by: Eirik Lafargue
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 26th Apr 2024

How can I manually check my blood pressure?

You can manually check your blood pressure by sitting in a relaxed, seated position, with your arm resting on a table. To increase your pressure, secure the wrist cuff on your bicep. The aneroid monitor will show you how to increase pressure by about 30 mm Hg above the normal blood pressure or 180 mm Hg if it is not known.

How can you test your blood pressure using your fingers?

Locate the artery under your thumb on the inside side of your wrist. Place two fingers there. To determine your resting heart beat, count how many times your heart beat is felt over a period of 15 seconds. You're not just looking for a number when you check your pulse with your hand.

Also, learn how to check your blood pressure at home. How to use your home blood pressure monitor

  1. Be still. Do not smoke, consume caffeinated beverages, or exercise for more than 30 minutes before you measure your blood pressure.
  2. Place your feet correctly.
  3. Every day, measure at the same time.
  4. Make multiple readings and take notes.
  5. Do not place too much emphasis on the measurements.

Also, know how to check your blood pressure without using a machine

Without equipment, however, it is impossible to measure diastolic bloodpressure. First, find your pulse along your left arm. The radial pulse is located below your thumb and just above your wrist. Your systolic blood pressure should be at least 80mmHg if you feel the pulse easily.

Is there an app that can check blood pressure?

Smart Blood Pressure Tracker This app is compatible with both Android and iPhone users. Smart Blood Pressure Tracker can track and keep track of your diastolic as well as systolic blood pressure. It will also monitor your pulse rate.