Asked by: Prima Chareca
Asked in category: technology and computing, data storage and warehousing
Last Updated: 7th Sep 2024

How can I get rid of unutilized imports in Intellij

You can remove all unused import statements automatically. Select "Optimize imports" from the context menu (alt + enter) and IntelliJ IDEA will delete all unused imports!

How can I get rid of unwanted imports in IntelliJ

Use Ctrl+Alt+O to activate the option. Select Unused import. Click on Reformat File Dialog and choose Optimize Imports.

How do I delete unused imports from eclipse? To delete unused imports from Eclipse IDE:

  1. Click Source Menu a> Organise Imports.
  2. After organizing all unused imports.
  3. Option 2: Click CTRL + Shift + O simultaneously. There are few unutilized imports in this Java class.
  4. Click CTRL + Shift + O.
  5. If it is necessary? ArrayList was initially thought to be a good way to store similar values.

How can I disable IntelliJ import optimization?

Editor IDEA automatically adds imports to your file. Intellij 14: Settings > Editor > General> Auto Import > Optimize imports automatically

How can I sort imports using IntelliJ

Go to the 'Settings" (or 'Preferences in mac) window. Then, go to Editor > Code Style > Java. Click on the 'Imports tab. You can arrange the import type by clicking on the arrow (see below). After you have made the necessary changes, the settings will be applied.