Asked by: Hongmei Beuthien
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

Does Holly tone lower pH?

The use of fertilizers that are formulated for acid-loving plants like holly, Azaleas, or Rhododendrons can temporarily lower soil pH. This is possible with repeated applications.

It is also asked if Holly tone can acidify soil.

Holly-tone is a good choice if you have a plant that likes acidic soil. It contains 5 percent sulfur, which is an acidifying element. You may not need fertilize if your soil is already in good condition.

You may also wonder, "What plants can Holly tone be used on?" Holly-tone is an organic and natural fertilizer that's not only for Hollies. It can be used on any acid-loving plant, including blueberries, evergreens and hydrangeas.

How can I lower the pH of my garden?

You can make your soil more acidic or lower its pH if it is alkaline. These products include sphagnum, iron sulfate and aluminum sulfate as well as organic mulches.

How often can you use the holly tone?

Mix one cup Holly-tone (r) with the water and stir well. Holly- to A (r) is an organic, slow release fertilizer. It is also enhanced with Bio- to A (r) microbes. Use is safe. Established acid-loving plants need to be fed twice a year, in spring and late autumn. Holly-tone A(r), can be sprinkled around as a salt and pepper addition to food.