Asked by: Ayaan Fleihs
Asked in category: real estate, real estate buying and selling
Last Updated: 23rd Jun 2024

Do you need a license to wholesale real estate in California?

To buy or sell a house for yourself, you don't need a "real estate license". You do need a R.E. To do this for others, however, a broker's license is required.

Keep this in mind, is real estate wholesaling in California illegal?

Jenifer Levini, I am a California real estate lawyer. I have worked with many investors. Your question will be answered by the following: It all depends! In general, first wholesaling is legal.

How can you also buy wholesale properties in California? Here are the 4 Best Ways to Wholesale Properties In California

  1. Create a network of buyers and sellers. Although this may sound simple, too many wholesalers worry about being in competition with other investors.
  2. Get a Plan for Present Buyers. It should be easy for potential buyers to see the value of the wholesale deal.
  3. Get Partners
  4. Invest Back Into Your Business.

Do you require a business license in order to sell wholesale real estate?

Wholesale real estate does not require a license. You just need to be the principal purchaser in the transaction. Although it is beneficial to have some knowledge about the home-buying and selling process, there is no need to assess your abilities.

What is the legal way to wholesale legally?

In general, wholesaling real property is legal. You can wholesaling real property by finding distressed properties and making an offer. Your offer is contingent upon you selling the property to another investor. A wholesale deal can be made once the investor has purchased the property.