Asked by: Xiaoxue Piay
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, scrapbooking
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

Do dry erase markers work on laminated papers?

No do not use dry erase markers. Use Vis A Vis markers. (Overhead ones). These work because once the laminate dries, it won't come off.

You might also wonder, "How do I remove dry erase marker from laminated paper?"

Nail polish remover is and will always be my miracle eraser. Simply use a cotton ball, paper towel or a sponge to rub the marker from the laminated. Hand sanitizer is also available for most markers if you are unable to stand the smell of nail polish remover.

The next question is: Can I write on laminated papers? You can write on laminated paper with matte laminating pouches. They protect your documents and allow you to use them. These pouches are perfect for sign-up sheets and maps, as well as marketing materials such sales/marketing materials. These supplies can be used with dry-erase, permanent, and ballpoint pens.

What kind of marker is best for laminated paper?

These white vinyl erasers can be used to erase permanent marker from laminated papers.

Is permanent marker able to stick to laminated paper?

Laminate paper can be left with a lot residue from dry erase markers. Vis-a-Vis markers are recommended. You can wipe the ink off with a damp cloth. Sharpies can be used for a lifetime and cannot be wiped off.