Asked by: Nirmala Naiez
Asked in category: food and drink, desserts and baking
Last Updated: 27th Jul 2024

Cracker Barrel when will they stop serving breakfast?

Cracker Barrel Breakfast Hours
Cracker Barrel Hours Operation Opening Time Closing Time
Monday through Thursday 6:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m.
Friday - Saturday 6:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m.
Sunday 6:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m.

Is Cracker Barrel open for breakfast?

Breakfast all day

You might also wonder, "How much is Cracker Barrel breakfast?" Cracker Barrel Menu Prices

Food Price
Breakfast for Old Timers $7.99
Sunrise Sampler $8.19
Grandpa's Country Fried Breakfast $8.89

Cracker Barrel is open for lunch at what hour?

11.11 AM

Cracker Barrel offers lunch in the morning.

Cracker barrel begins serving lunch at 11. We still offer breakfast, but we prefer to have more people buying lunch and dinner. To answer your question, it is because it is easier for the staff and guests serve a full breakfast separately from lunch/dinner in order to preserve both time and food.