Asked by: Vladimirs Andicano
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Can Windex be used on cultured marble?

You can clean cultured marble with mild soap, Windex, or mild detergent. You can use regular bathroom cleaners such as Tilex or Fantastic to clean your marble. However, it is important to check the label to ensure that the product does not contain any abrasives.

It is also asked what product should be used for cleaning cultured marble.

Gloss and suede finish, Cultured marble/granite's beauty is its ease of cleaning and maintaining its shiny appearance. You can clean it with a sponge or soft cloth using water, or a non-abrasive foam cleaning agent. You can protect your marble/granite by applying a protective wax coat every so often.

The next question is: Can Windex be used to clean marble countertops? Here are some tips to clean marble countertops. Do not use Windex, vinegar or bleach on marble. One use acidic substance can eat through a marble countertop and dull the stone. Spray sealant can be applied to marble at least once per month to protect it from stains or etching.

What is the best way of cleaning a cultured marble countertop?


  1. The countertop's surface should be soaked with water. To slightly dampen the surface of the cultured marr, run a clean, damp cloth.
  2. Use a mild soap, or an all-purpose cleaner, to clean the surface.
  3. Use the rag to clean the surface of the cultured marble.
  4. Avoid harsh chemicals that can cause damage to the surface.

How can you make cultured marble shine again?

In case the cultured margarine surface isn't completely smooth and shiny yet, you can try wet sanding it with 1,000-grit wet/dry paper. Then buff the surface with rubbing and polishing compound to remove any scratches.