Asked by: Aiden Chokri
Asked in category: pets, birds
Last Updated: 23rd Jun 2024

Can thistle seeds spoil?

The seed will be fresh from the manufacturer, but the seeds can become spoiled if it is left on the shelf for too long. Before you purchase seed, make sure to inspect it for any signs of mold or insects. Thistle seed might not last very long. This type of seed should be purchased in small quantities to ensure that no seeds go to waste.

How can you tell if thistle seeds are bad?

A niger seed has a shell, even though it's small. If it seems like birds aren’t eating the seeds, then examine the seed more closely. You may see only the thin niger shells. Niger seed can spoil while in the feeder.

You might also wonder if there is a difference in thistle and Nyjer seed. NYJER SEED- OR THISTLESEED FOR FINCHES Nyjer seeds resemble small grains of wild rice. Many finches love Nyjer seed for its high protein and fat content. Nyjer is also known as thistle. This name can sometimes be alarming. Contrary to popular belief, nyjer does not belong to a thistle.

How do you store thistle seed?

Keep seed in a dry and cool place. This is important to keep freshness. Keep it in cool areas of your home, if at all possible. If it is cold, store it outside.

Are birds allowed to eat whole thistle seeds?

Birds don't eat whole seeds. They only eat the ameata. Most of the black you see on the ground is made up of empty shells. People hate to throw away thistle because it tends to be more expensive than other seeds. They don't rotate their food feeders as a result.